The Challenge

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The position of Global Head of EHS came with a specific set of requirements essential for candidates to meet. Firstly, the role necessitated relocation to a picturesque but remote town away from major urban centers and airports. It also required the candidate to be prepared for extensive global travel, potentially up to 50% of their time, to engage directly with various company facilities worldwide.

Additionally, the job combined strategic oversight with active, hands-on operational involvement in the manufacturing processes, demanding a versatile skill set appealing to those comfortable in both corporate and factory settings. Significant international experience in health and safety, proven leadership skills, and a track record of effectively managing both direct and indirect reports across different geographical locations were critical. While German language proficiency was initially considered a vital skill, this requirement was later adjusted to widen the search for candidates who met the other critical criteria, emphasizing the importance of broad qualifications over specific linguistic abilities.

The Solution

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Pacific International approached the search with a strong commitment to diversity, an attribute deeply ingrained in its operational ethos. Unlike many firms that only pay lip service to diversity, Pacific International backs their dedication with a solid track record, boasting that 40% of their placements over the past three years have been diverse hires, a significant achievement in the predominantly male-dominated plastic manufacturing industry.

For this project, Pacific initially focused their search within Austria and Germany but eventually expanded across Europe to tap into a broader pool of talent from diverse backgrounds. They compiled an extensive list of potential candidates from various manufacturing sectors, ultimately identifying nearly 150 candidates across numerous countries.

Understanding the challenges posed by the remote location, Pacific turned this potential drawback into an advantage. They showcased the area’s natural beauty through videos and pictures during video calls with candidates, highlighting local attractions. This strategic presentation helped quickly alleviate concerns about the rural setting.

The Results

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The search culminated in a shortlist that included profiles from across Europe, including Sweden, Hungary, Spain, the Netherlands, and the Czech Republic. The final stage of the recruitment process featured two highly qualified female candidates, underscoring Pacific’s commitment to altering the industry’s gender dynamics. Following thorough evaluations of leadership skills and successful negotiation processes, the selected candidate accepted the offer.

The client expressed deep satisfaction with the quality of candidates and the efficiency of the process, affirming Pacific’s effective and client-centric approach to overcoming challenges and making a high-impact, transformational appointment. This successful outcome highlighted Pacific’s dedication to diversity and their ability to deliver on complex mandates in challenging environments.