Many Pacificans participated in celebrating significant women in their lives to honour International Women’s Day #IWD2023.
Here are the tributes posted throughout the day:
Adam Nuzie:
I rarely write personal posts on LinkedIn but given International Women’s Day, I want to make an exception to mention and thank four generations of amazing women in my life, who shaped me into the person I am today. I am extraordinarily lucky to be surrounded by such strong women, both in my personal life and at work.
Firstly, my thanks go to my grandmother who I have always been close to and is someone I look up to for guidance and perspective.
My mother – an incredible person and the most important person to me growing up – thank you for being a great role model to not only me, but my 2 children as well.
My mother-in-law, a second mother to me, thank you for raising an incredible daughter.
My wife – the most amazing partner and mother to our children, the person who continues to amaze me daily and who I love more than anything.
And finally, my daughter – she takes my breath away every time I look at her, inspires me to build a world where all women and girls have equal opportunities, and she is the person I never want to disappoint in life.
Paul Galanti:
How could I choose just one?
I don’t tell them enough how much I appreciate and admire each of them, but as we celebrate International Women’s Day, I wanted to spotlight some incredible women that have had a huge impact on who I am. My sisters (Nicole, Courtney, and Paige) as well as my Mom have both nurtured and challenged me in so many ways and I cannot thank them enough. When I was growing up my Dad worked in a steel plant and worked insanely long hours to support us (thank you Dad), so I spent a lot of time with my sisters, my mom, and both my grandmothers. Some may argue too much time considering my favorite song growing up was “Man! I Feel Like a Woman!” by Shania Twain. Yes, this is still one of my go-to karaoke songs 😂. Looking back though I am incredibly grateful for the perspective and lessons spending so much time with such strong and fiercely independent women has given me. Today, we all live in different places and don’t get to see each other nearly enough but I still can still always count on any of them when I need life or work advice (my mom is a great saleswoman in her own right) or even just a friend. Thank you again to all of you. I love you and keep shining.
Rebecca Holton:
To celebrate International Women’s Day, I want to write about a significant woman in my life – my cousin and best friend Christina Tognetti.
We have known each other since birth and have done everything together for most of our lives. Despite living further apart now, we still cheer each other on in all our personal and professional endeavors. She is my hype woman, my go-to person who continues to push me every day to be a better person and to live my best life. She truly inspires me to do my best in all aspects of my life and I am very thankful I have her in my life!
Haley Gibson:
Happy International Women’s Day to all my connections who celebrate! I want to give a shout-out to a very significant woman in my life—my mom.
Thank you mom for being my number one supporter, for providing me with everything I needed growing up, for your sacrifice to enable me to play softball, and for spending every summer driving me to tournaments up and down the East Coast. Thank you for encouraging me to study and finish both my undergraduate and master’s degree programs and supporting my move to Philadelphia to kick off my career at Pacific.
You are always there for me, lifting me and brightening my days with a huge smile on your face, encouraging me to take risks, be bold, and be 100% confident in myself – all this shaped me into the woman and leader I am today.
Happy #IWD2023!
Sahar Akhtar:
As part of International Woman’s Day 2023, I would like to celebrate my significant other – Avni Gosai.
My partner and fiancé, whom I first met over 13 years ago in my final years of sixth form/college.
Avni has been and is one of my biggest role models, through her own professional journey, where she graduated from one of the world’s top higher education establishments (Oxford University) than to excelling in her teaching profession where she was able to become a qualified teacher for secondary school and college education whilst being in a position of leadership, before rebranding herself and starting a new career with one of the ‘Big Four’ professional service firms, where she has now become a Chartered Accountant – All of which achieved before the age of 30.
Avni is the definition that belief, focus, and hard work can take you anywhere – I adapt this ethos daily and use this to empower myself professionally and in my personal life.
I appreciate Avni for her dedication, trust, and for always being a pillar of strength during the periods of hardship I’ve faced.
Thank you for believing in me and always pushing me to unlock my maximum potential.
Claudia Lemke:
For International Women’s Day, I’d like to celebrate my friends who are an integral part of my life.
How could I name just one? They come from all walks of life and came into my life at different times but each one plays a fundamental role to date.
They are a shoulder to cry on and the greatest company to laugh with. They made me believe in the importance of friendship and I cannot imagine a life without them!
And despite being scattered around the world, I feel their presence and support every day.
Today I honour them, for the women they are – sensitive, loving, affectionate, sincere, loyal… I cannot ask for more than that!
David Howells:
Today is International Women’s Day and I would like to thank three very important women in my life for inspiring me to be a better husband, dad, and business leader:
My deepest gratitude goes to my wife Kate, a full-time working mother who expertly manages to balance a high-profile job working for a large corporate firm with making our family life very special despite its many logistical challenges 😃
My thanks also go to my two young daughters for bringing so much magic and wonder to my life and for making my life complete.
Margaret Jaouadi:
To celebrate International Women’s Day, I would like to take a moment to show my immense gratitude to three amazing female friends I have in my life – Zuzanna, Beata, and Maja.
We have known each other since our carefree uni days and despite living in different countries since I cannot imagine my life without them.
Zuza, Betsy, and Maja – thank you for a lifetime of the great memories, for all the laughs and tears, and for being there for me when the going got tough; thank you for your acceptance, and trust, for always inspiring me to learn new things and broadening my horizons, and for your support and encouragement. Thank you for bringing so much joy and happiness to my life. Forever grateful to have you in my life!
Natalia Zonnevelt:
I am not a person who normally writes personal posts on LinkedIn. However, as part of International Women’s Day, I would like to dedicate this post to Nancy my sister, and my best friend.
Nancy has been my biggest supporter since childhood. She is my go-to person when I face personal or professional challenges and I hope to follow in her footsteps one day.
She has so many great achievements under her belt – from coming 1st in Figure Skating and Tennis tournaments at the age of 10 to moving to the United States for her career and becoming Director of Accounting in her 20s. And this is just for starters! She is now building her very own house after purchasing a ranch in Texas. Nancy is my biggest inspiration and I know the sky is the limit for her!
Nancy, I appreciate all your support and thanks to you I have a strong belief in my own professional and personal success. Thank you for always being by my side even if it is from across the pond!
Thank you all for participating and sharing your stories!
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